Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Problem With Google's Blogger Part Duh.5 (Half A Solution Found)

As I suggested in my previous posts (see Having A Problem With Google's Blogger Mobile & Problem With Google's Blogger Part Duh for further details), I'm on a crusade to find a work around to Google Blogger's lack of support for the Metro PCS platform.

Well, I have found a solution, sort of---To be honest with you, it's only half a solution.

I can send text based blog postings without the need to use the MailBlogger function, but that's about the extent of it.

What I can't do is:

- Embed images, videos, etc. directly into the blog message (not happy about that).
- Send messages to the draft folder for further editing (instead the message goes live immediately---really not happy about that).

Anyone interested in knowing more about my .5 solution? If so, respond to this posting and I'll do a "deeper dive".

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