Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Annoucement: The Newest Addition To The Code Of Metro PCS Blog, The Learn-In-A-Minute Video

Some of my regular followers already know that I mixing things up and I have added video to the learning lineup on The Code of Metro PCS.

I'm calling it the Learn-In-A-Minute Video.

What some of you might think as "too short", "too quiet" and "too boring" (no voice, no sound, no animation, etc.) did not come about by accident, but by design and intention.

Here's why I'm doing it this way:

- We learn better when the learning experience is "multi-sensory".
- We learn better when we aren't overloaded with too much information.
- We retain more when we learn in short "snippets" of time.
- We retain more when we are required to read what we are trying to learn.

I hope you all like the Learn-In-A-Minute Video approach because as you hopefully see, I put a lot of thought into it.


  1. These are great videos. There's so much that the Code can do and I'm always looking for new ways to add capability to it. Do you mind if I link to our facebook page?

  2. Sure you can!

    Thanks for asking first...

  3. What some of you might think as "too short", "too quiet" and "too boring" (no voice, no sound, no animation, etc.) did not come about by accident, but by design and intention.

  4. I'm not commonly moved by educational content, yet your topic seriously made me give some thought to your viewpoints. You have presented important and sound ideas which are sensible and fascinating. I privately love to blog about Laptop Deals.


can you hear me now?
